1950 DESPAIR life size, Indiana Limestone, Syracuse University, unfinished
You’re invited to see Mary’s technical expertise applied across mediums and raw materials. Mary has been dedicated to interpreting an idea, feeling or unappreciated form in nature and reducing it to the essence in an honest and imaginative way.
This archive of work is presented as original, unchared contributions to sculpture of the 20th and 21st century.
Largely undiscovered, Mary is an uncharted original whose legacy is important to modern sculpture.

1952 MOTHER AND SON Brazilian Rosewood, 66” high. Purchased in 1983 for St. John Medical Center, Longview, WA

1949 MOTHER AND CHILD Plaster for bronze, 21” dia x 37” high, shown in the studio and in a 2011 Retrospective show

“I do not believe art should degrade by adding to the ugliness of the world, rather delight, inspire or in some way touch the heart and uplift the soul.”

“My work is both liturgical and secular. My intent is to interpret an idea, a feeling, perhaps an unappreciated form in nature by reducing it to the essence and hopefully, instilling a spiritual quality while working directly with the dictates of permanent materials in an honest, imaginative way.”

SWEET DREAMS (Ape) drawn from life, typical for Mary
“Her pieces clearly have their own DNA.
My hope is that she continues her quest to work and provide all of us with the art that inspires, challenges and soothes the senses.”
—Friend and artist, Robert Thomas

1960 UNTITLED bas-relief 18” x 15” x 2” Mica Schist from Peshawar, Pakistan. Carved in Pakistan, while teaching art as a Fulbright Scholar.

1959 MARY LEWIS with National College of Arts, Master of Miniature Painting, Haji Mohd Sharif at an exhibition in Lahore, Pakistan.

1965 HOMELESS Granite fieldstone, life size

1965 MOTHER AND SON Pumice 12” tall

1966 MADONNA AND CHILD Walnut, 20” wide x 32” high x 9” deep, combined low and high relief
Mary’s skill in blending subject with raw materials is seamless.

1977 - 78 MADONNA AND CHILD Maple, 48” dia. x 5” deep, St. Joseph’s Church Chapel, Roseberg, Oregon

Study / sketch MADONNA AND CHILD
“I like big noses. My work does not resemble mine but, my mothers nose. I was not influenced by anyone. If I were, it would have been Ivan Mestrovic”—Mary lewis

1985 THE HOLY FAMILY Eastern maple, 55 1/2” sq. x 2” deep, St. Frederick Catholic Church, St. Helens, OR

1986 - 1989 Cast cronze reliefs of THE GLORIOUS MYSTERIES shortly after installlation at The Grotto Peace Garden.

Studio circa 1980 with MOTHER AND SON (1952), purchased in 1983 for St. John Medical Center, Longview, WA

2008 Mary in her Columbia River studio carving FISH (age 82)

2008 FISH Redwood with Basalt eyes, 51” x 29”

2014 BABY Alabaster, 8” wide x 10” high
“To create is necessary to my being, regardless of obstacles, fame or monetary gain.”

2109 Works in progress; LIZARD on Walnut slab, PENGUIN from Carrara Marble (completed 2021) and TOAD from Mt. St. Helens Scoria (completed 2020)
These selected works are presented to bring Mary’s art into focus in relation to 20th and 21st century sculpture. Limited editions in cast bronze, wood and print are available as a way to connect with Mary’s legacy.
Say hello: Please direct inquiries to nickpdxthomas@gmail.com